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MPES and ANMAK is providing joint testing services in Turkey and neighboring countries with Starkey & Associates Inc-Consulting Engineers.

The pilot grinding laboratory of MPES and ANMAK includes valuable equipment such as SAGDesign test equipment, Bond ball tester, drop weight equipment, Pilot SAG mill, . . .

Mining-Tech 2022.jpg

“Mining-Tech 2022” Mining Industry Technology Days, 20-21 September 2022 9/23/2022

We are proud and happy to be with Dassault Systèmes, of which we are a Turkey brand partner, at the Mining-Tech 2022 event held in Ankara on September 20-21, 2022 by Madencilik Türkiye Dergisi 


ANNOUNCEMENT: “Mining-Tech 2022” Mining Industry Technology Days, 20-21 September 2022 8/25/2022

"Mining-Tech 2022 – Mining Industry Technology Days" will be held in Ankara, Meyra Palace Hotel on September 20-21, 2022. We would be pleased to see you, at this event that we are a participant in.


TÜBİTAK 1501 Sanayi Ar-Ge Projeleri Destekleme Programı  8/10/2022

We are happy to announce that our project proposal titled “Manufacturing of Pilot Scale (1 ton/hour) High Pressure Grinding Roll (HPGR)” has received grant by TUBITAK (THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF TURKIYE) under 1501 INDUSTRIAL R&D PROJECT SUPPORT Program. 


NEFESLİK Sayı 07-2022 6/24/2022

Our article on “Development and Use of Software Technology” published on Nefeslik.


ARGETEST "Use of Modeling and Simulation in Mineral Processing" Training  6/23/2022

Within the scope of MPES Engineering training services, we conducted a two-day training on "Use of Modeling and Simulation in Mineral Processing" with ARGETEST. We would like to thank the ARGETEST team for their effort and interest throughout the training.


NEFESLİK Sayı 07-2022 6/20/2022

With Respect to His Memory...

We honor the memory of Prof. Raj Rajamani, who enlightened our way with his knowledge, good manners, goodwill and always great intelligence.


Deltastar "SURPAC™ Mine Design" Training  5/27/2022

As MPES Engineering, we are proud and happy to carry out the "SURPAC™ Mine Design" training with the valuable employees of Delta Star Enerji ve Madencilik. We would like to thank to all the participants and our valuable trainer Ms. Ülkü FİDAN for her contributions.


Partnership with Dassault Systèmes 12/8/2021

As MPES, we are proud to announce that we are now the Turkish Partner of Dassault Systèmes GEOVIA. Feel free to contact us on any queries about Surpac, Minesched and Whittle. Software trainings and technical support is now available in Turkish language. We also provide project-based consultancy and supervision services.


MTA "Drop Weight Experiment and Analysis" Training 11/24/2021

As MPES, we are proud and happy to carry out the "Drop Weight Experiment and Analysis" training to MTA, Mineral Analysis and Technology Department.

MPES has completed Mineral Processing Mo


MPES has completed Mineral Processing Modeling and Use a Simulator training with WEIR Minerals

MPES has completed Conventional and Noce

WEIR Minerals

MPES has completed Conventional and Nocel Methods in Grinding Technologies with WEIR Minerals

MPES organized the “Modeling Talks” meet

Modeling Talks

MPES organized the “Modeling Talks” meeting with the participant from U.S.A., Chile and TURKEY

The first part of the “MineSim” has comp


The first part of the “MineSim” has been completed

MPES has been developing “GrindSim”  sof


MPES has been developing “GrindSim”  software in order to be to be used for experiment, design and operation for industrial grinding processing.


MPES Mühendislik olarak düzenlediğimiz Endüstriyel Eğitimler Serisi'nin ikincisi olan 'Deneyden Modellemeye, Modelden Tesis Tasarımına Tesis Tasarımından Optimizasyona" başlıklı eğitimimiz ...


Linkedin sayfamızdan güncel haberlerimizi takip edebilirsiniz.

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KATÜ' de

Dünyanın en büyük madencilik firmalarında ( Sibelco, Xstrata), araştırma merkezleri (CSIRO) ve üniversitelerinde (Michigan Tek. Üniversitesi, Tokyo Üniversitesi) kullanılan USIM PAC şimdi Türkiye madencilik ...



Dünyanın en büyük madencilik firmalarında ( Sibelco, Xstrata), araştırma merkezleri (CSIRO) ve üniversitelerinde (Michigan Tek. Üniversitesi, Tokyo Üniversitesi) kullanılan USIM PAC şimdi Türkiye ...


MPES has obtained exclusive rights of distribution of CASPEO Mineral Processing Software products.

MPES is proud distributor of CASPEO Mineral Processing Softwares...


MPES has obtained exclusive rights of distribution of METCOM online training materials.

MPES is the proud distributor of Metcom Technologies Inc. ...

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